Jessie William
Jessie’s journey back to health
Throughout her life, Jessie, a long time resident of Souris was often relied on as a care giver for her family and friends. She was raised by her grandparents, and once they grew older, helped care for and look after them. When her mother became sick, Jessie stepped in and took care of her for fourteen years, seven of which her mother was bedridden. But eventually, Jessie too became affected by ailments, and needed care herself.
In 2014, after several visits to the doctor, Jessie was informed that she had a precancerous polyp, and would need to go in for a simple operation to have it removed. Soon after returning home post operation, Jessie became extremely sick. An ambulance was called and she was rushed to a hospital outside of the community. There her family were informed that she had sepsis due to her bowel being perforated. An operation was performed in an attempt to put the bowel back together, but it was unsuccessful. During the operation the outlook was bleak. In her unconscious state, Jessie believes she heard the doctors say that she wouldn’t make it. But Jessie told herself everything was going to be alright, and despite the odds, she persevered.
In the two weeks she was in intensive care, doctors went into Jessie’s stomach seven different times. After her final surgery, she came out very weak, having problems walking and moving. While her physical health gradually improved, her emotional health was slower to respond. It was clear that although she was physically getting stronger, Jessie was missing being close to home. Soon her things were being packed, and Jessie was eagerly anticipating the move back to Souris Hospital.
“When I saw the sun and trees, Souris and the hospital, the weight that was lifted off me was unreal,” says Jessie of her excitement and relief at being closer to home. She described the care she received during her five week stay at the Souris Hospital, “The care I got was unreal … they bent over backwards for me.”
If you looked at Jessie today, you would be surprised to know this is her story. She looks to be in great physical health, cracking jokes with a smile on her face. She credits the care and treatment she received during her stay at the Souris Hospital for making all the difference in her recovery. The medical equipment purchased by the Eastern Kings Health Foundation provides the staff at the Souris Hospital with the resources they need to care for patients like Jessie every day.
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